Latin Phrase of the Day

Malo mori quam foedariDeath rather than dishonor

Feeling of the day – Sunday !

Maybe one day we will look back at it and laugh that we ever used to have wars with each other. That is the future I would like to imagine above all.

Funny memes

Additional thought of the day

Some people's cynicism consumes them so fully that it suffocates their every thought.

Thought of the day

Dissemination of information – additional thought of the day

When the dissemination of information is based on securing ratings or acquisition of likes then neither the MSM or alternate media are ever truly going to be honest and impartial in their reporting of facts or opinions.

On the Western Front by Alfred Noyes | The World of Momus Podcast Reading of the poem, On the Western Front by Alfred Noyes written in 1916 I I found a dreadful acre of the dead, Marked with the only sign on earth that saves. The wings of death were hurrying overhead, The loose earth shook on those unquiet graves; For the deep gun-pits, with quick stabs... Continue Reading →

Wake up – daily thought

As the destruction of Ukraine began, if you still are worried about your petty little squabbles more, your unwarranted grievances of comfort, I am not sure what else can be done to wake you up.

Latin Phrase of the Day

Acta non verbaDeeds, not words

Thought of the day

Following trendy talking points without understanding the context might get you likes but it also distinguishes between a thinker and a regurgitator.

Latin Phrase of the Day

Ad melioraToward better things

Latin Phrase of the Day

In absentia lucis, tenebrae vincuntIn the absence of light, darkness prevails

Reading of a scary story – The Phantom Coach by Amelia Edwards Listen to the audio narration of 'The Phantom Coach' by Amelia B. Edwards. And please consider subscribing to my channel on YouTube. It would be greatly appreciated.

Stormy thought of the day

Calm the storms inside before you worry about the ones outside.

Funny meme

A friend of mine sent it to me, and it is so true 😂

Quote of the day – George Washington

If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.George Washington

Latin Phrase of the Day

Amor vincit omniaLove conquers all things

Toughen up against the trolls – thought of the day

Do not let the trolls and snobs hold you back to say what you think. Say it and say it out loud. Toughen your skin against these elitists and their tools, ignore their self righteous sneers and move on. Stop being a slave to their opinions.


Off to sleep now. I need to fix my schedule going forward so I am going to sleep earlier and waking up in the morning even earlier. Hopefully I can put that right, and I encourage you all to put your daily routine right for yourself. Anyway goodnight for now. Love you all.

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