Latin Phrases | #4 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

Latin Phrases | #3 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

Latin Phrases | #2 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

Latin Phrase | #1 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

Latin Phrase of the Day

Astra inclinant, sed non obligant The stars incline us, they do not bind us

Latin Phrase of the Day

Bis dat qui cito dat He gives twice who gives promptly

Latin Phrase of the Day

Solamen miseris socios habuisse dolorisMisery loves company

Latin Phrase of the Day

Aquila non capit muscasAn eagle does not catch flies

Latin Phrase of the Day

Libertas perfundet omnia luceFreedom will flood all things with light

Latin Phrase of the Day

Aere perenniusMore lasting than bronze

Latin Phrase of the Day

Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nuncWe gladly feast on those who would subdue us

Latin Phrase of the Day

Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheronta moveboIf I cannot move Heaven, I will raise Hell

Latin Phrase of the Day

Vivamus, moriendum estLet us live, since we must die

Latin Phrase of the Day

Omnes una manet noxOne night is awaiting us all

Latin Phrase of the Day

Malo mori quam foedariDeath rather than dishonor

Latin Phrase of the Day

Respice finemConsider the end

Latin Phrase of the Day

Amore et melle et felle es fecundissimusLove is rich with honey and venom

Latin Phrase of the Day

Ut ameris, amabilis estoIf you want to be loved, be lovable

Latin Phrase of the Day

Inis vitae sed non amorisThe end of life, but not of love

Latin Phrase of the Day

Ubi amor, ibi dolorWhere there's love, there's pain

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