Thought of the day

Reformation over revolution. Because I know the horrors of misconstrued revolutions and the benefits of slow & gradual reformations when cultural changes propels it.

Funny meme

Thought of the day – Say no to tribal mentality

Everyone is pushing an agenda and no one actually cares about your wellbeing, whether you are rich or poor. This is the case for all politicians, marxism pushing professors, banks, corporations, mainstream & alt media, celebrities, religions & cults and conspiracy theorists. It is time you start caring about you and reject the pull of... Continue Reading →

Funny meme – one of those days

Additional thought of the day – Politician compensation

When you pay lower wages to politicians than the directors in your local & central governments or even heads of departments then you get 3 types of politicians. Those who are incompetent, opportunistic malevolent sort or who actually care. The latter is incredibly rare. To attract better calibre of people to the field of politics,... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day

The validity of an idea depends on its merit but also on its implementation. You cannot have one without the other.

Thought of the day

Normalizing and promoting promiscuity has probably been the worst social experiment in human history.

The need for structure – thoughts

I say this as an agnostic man, most people need structure. It helps them focus on the important tangible realities of life. Good religions which have been reformed over time, their non-extremist wings, provide it. It is not a bad thing overall as long as you understand the difference and value of understanding the different... Continue Reading →

Sunday Thoughts

If you think the violent revolution which you callously endorse when there is no just reason to do so will not engulf you as well in its fire, then you are lost in your madness. Even when cause is just, those who do a just violent revolution are acutely aware of the consequences and consider... Continue Reading →

Abandoned dreams ….

Thought of the day – the calling of a man

It's time for men to reclaim manhood. Stop our childish ways, take personal responsibility for our actions and behaviours, stop blaming others (especially women) for our lot in life, and be a good role model for the boys around us. This is not a competition of the sexes but an improvement of self. Be fair... Continue Reading →

When the Summer is Gone | Short Poem | Momus Najmi Please enjoy my short poem, When the summer is gone, and the sun hides away. Hope you like the short video I made for it.

Silly memes

Funny meme

Thought of the day – fellow men !

My simple advice to all men, if you want to call yourself a man then take personal responsibility. No excuses, no moping, no blaming others. First take responsibility for your own actions. Then the rest will follow.

Funny meme

Morning One-Liner

Parallel lines have so much in common, its a shame they will never meet.

Thought of the day

People who are overly fixated on skin colour, and manipulated representation of that, are rarely focused on the merits of individuals.

Thought of the day

Fix your in-group before you criticize or blame the out-group for your problems.

Nightly joke

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