Quote of the Week | #5 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

https://youtu.be/6kT1cJ7V1IM https://open.spotify.com/episode/3WfI4g3HQR9FzffcG8mXgj?si=50b49995047745b3

New Trailer for the Podcast | The World of Momus Podcast

https://youtu.be/PyU3zHjnSiM Subscribe to the Podcast on YouTube, Spotify, Rumble, Apple Podcasts or other platforms. Thank you for all your support ! Much Love !

Thought of the day

Start of the decline. Opportunity to make anew. Inevitable cycle it seems.


Thought of the day

For me, as I see it, the entirety of the traditional male & female roles cannot be replicated now and will not be optimal to do so. Times have changed and so must be along with it. However, we should focusing on retaining the good and useful things from traditions, and work on enhancing the... Continue Reading →


Thought of the day

We need to move away from the extremes. Which includes the woke and the anti woke. The ultra religious and the militant atheists. The far left and the far right. These are not optimal positions for progress, but for constant division and regression.

Work joke


Thought of the day

Ancestral knowledge is there to be learned from and improved upon, not to be adhered to rigidly as it had been in years past. This is the main reason why dogmatic religious sentiments are not appealing most of the time. Allow yourself to evolve while learning from the past.


It shouldn't be a shock but it still shocks me to see how disconnected Americans are with the workings of geopolitics that their own country plays in and the benefits it brings to them by the virtue of which they can hold such ignorant views yet be prosperous. Blind privilege. Just like the Arabs when... Continue Reading →


Quote of the Week | #4 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

https://youtu.be/Ja_UaUCA_DY https://open.spotify.com/episode/5cbNSdReC2JAwrQ4Ae8zQA?si=683b2a15079d43c0

Colchester United FC

I went for a work event at Colchester stadium, unfortunately they had blocked access to the field but I managed to get a glimpse from the glass door panels


‘The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost | Poem | The World of Momus Podcast

https://youtu.be/QWpMJ4pFuOE Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was... Continue Reading →

Funny meme

Quote of the Week | #3 | Weekly Wisdom | TWOM

https://youtu.be/aGARJeF5lAM https://open.spotify.com/episode/6y1JABWH83rF0Q7HVAojvD?si=5231d7148cfd440a

Thought of the day

Forget about being right or left, progressive or conservative, Christian, Muslim, Jew or Hindu ... Just work on being a good human being first. Ideologies are add-ons, don't make them primary.

Funny LOTR meme

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