Thought of the day

A man can never fully understand what it is like to be a woman, and a woman can never fully understand what it is like to be a man. And that is fine. The fact that it cannot be fully understandable to the other sex is actually understandable. Let's stop defining each other and invading... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day

Different people have different views, if they are allowed to be and not encourage to be human bots. But in all circumstances, I think it is best to stay away from the extremes. It doesn't help to create absolutes when there are many known variables, but it is also not wise to give too much... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day – spread love not hate

Be very careful not to become the monsters you fight and be pulled into their hate fueled game. The best way to win it is to rise above and spread the message of love no matter how many try to pull you down into their own abyss.

Thought of the day – Taxes be gone !

If the government has money to give everyone universal basic income cheques, then they have enough money to cut down income tax. Why are you taking more money from me and then giving it back to me, if it wasn't about control and creating state dependency?

Motivational thought of the day

Your external beauty is a depreciable asset, but your internal beauty does not lose value with time and will keep on improving as long as you are willing to work on it. Invest more in the right kind of assets.

Thought on abortion law

Abortion is a tricky subject. Whereas I think ultimately it should fall down to the woman concerned & doctor incharge, perhaps the right and the reason can be separated and better defined in law.Which is to say that where a woman might not have a right to abort as it has gone beyond a threshold... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day – free yourself

There is very less hope for people who are invested in their own oppression.

Thought of the day

Asking questions to find out about something or get a full picture is very different from provocative ignorant statement disguised as question to push your agenda.

Dissemination of information – additional thought of the day

When the dissemination of information is based on securing ratings or acquisition of likes then neither the MSM or alternate media are ever truly going to be honest and impartial in their reporting of facts or opinions.

Wake up – daily thought

As the destruction of Ukraine began, if you still are worried about your petty little squabbles more, your unwarranted grievances of comfort, I am not sure what else can be done to wake you up.

Thought of the day

Following trendy talking points without understanding the context might get you likes but it also distinguishes between a thinker and a regurgitator.

Weekend morning thought

Real personal growth and learning happens mainly via unfiltered conversations with honest intentions.

Thought of the day

The state is not your parent and you are not their children. Recognize this fact and stop facilitating this misconceived relationship any further.

Nightly thought of the day

There are no buts in freedom. That is all. That is all I want to say. No buts, no ifs. Freedom.

Thought of the day

Think about this, the same class of people (not the same people, the same class since no one is immortal), not that long ago wanted the working class to sacrifice their life & wellbeing to protect the sanctity of a flag, that they now condemn or think less of them for waving.

Thought of the day

We seem to be in an abusive relationship with our governments these days. I think it would be better if we just keep countries as ceremonial and move slowly by slowly more towards local and regional governance. And then eventually drop all forms of national/central/federal taxes and do away with governments.

Thought of the day

Anyone who wants to use your kids against you, does not mean you well. Be it an ideology, government or individual, and be it portrayed for whatever reason. If you want to identify an enemy within, that is your snake. Subversion of youth is key to breakdown of society, guard yourself against it.

Thought of the day

Be wary of people who try to silence others for wrongthink, especially when those people are educated and qualified. A qualification or education is not a guarantee for intelligence.

Thought of the day

When you are hating on someone out of context while being intellectually dishonest, you really should stop and think. Are you hating on that person, or are you hating on your inadequacies and the lack of motivation to improve upon them? You will find, it is usually the latter.

Tribal caution – thought of the day

I really don't ever pick absolute sides. I will take sides when it is necessary to do so, but to an extent. It is so easy to be swept away by our tribal urges that we almost always forget the core of any argument. And why is it important not to be tribal? Well, the... Continue Reading →

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