Nightly thought

Hates wins in your hearts and minds because you let it win. Stop blaming external input, take control, take personal responsibility and stop being influenced to hate one another.

Thought of the day

The cult of believers Vs the cult of non believers - they are both annoying.

Thought of the day – talentless hacks

Comedians who aren't funny, pretend to be an activist siding with whatever gets them more likes on social media because that's the only way they can get attention as their nonexistent talent deserves none. And it goes the same for other hacktivists, the so called talentless artists. We all know why you are doing it.

Thought of the day – actions over words

When language becomes more important than actions, we keep going around in circles achieving very little.

People Power – Thought of the Day

Any government that has to use extensive force against its people has already lost and is no longer a government of the people.

Thought of the day

With anything in life - better perceptions create better outcomes.

Thought of the day

Monopoly creates complacency, national monopolies creates propaganda to protect perpetual complacency.

Thought of the day

Even though I do not believe in any religion, more and more everyday as time progresses I think we were not mature enough to leave god. We neither understood the consequences nor did we try to put anything concrete in place of it before we proceeded.

Sunday thoughts ….

We need to take conversations away from the extremes, at extremes we don't have conversations we just have strong irreconcilable disagreements. So this Sunday, I would like people to take a step back and think what extreme thinking they have on any subject and try to understand why they have such an extreme position. Extreme... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day

Humans are amazing, when they let each other be humans.

Life is an open field …..

Life is filled with opportunities, all you need to do is have the determination to go for what you want and don't stop till you achieve it.

Friday morning thought

Good Friday Morning all - try being better and improving upon the you from yesterday - rinse and repeat that everyday.

Life is fickle ….

Life is fickle, Sometimes on road to somewhere and other times with an abrupt end, Topsy turvy messy and undetermined, The more you try to control it the more it slips away from you, But, It is still a wonder no matter how long you have, A minute, a year, a decade or a million... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day

There is a war on reality going on, by people who have clearly left reality against people who have very less time for this nonsense since they they live in reality.

My feelings about 9/11 (Random Thoughts)

Here is the second episode of my Random Thoughts, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Watch on YouTube

Thought of the day – Overthrow or be enslaved

It may very well be that the time is coming soon in the West where a choice will need to be made - overthrow or be enslaved. But let us make sure that the inevitable overthrow is for the right reasons to get the right results for the best future possible. There comes a point... Continue Reading →

Daily thought …

Those who have suffered no real hardship, find it easily to compare one hardship to another.


There is a limit till which you can explain the acts of law enforcement as 'just following orders' - when orders are immoral, they need not be followed.

Thought of the day

For crisis management it's good to draw up worst case scenarios but it's a folly to make them your predictors and work towards them. You make provisions, yes, and if certain thresholds are broken then enact them. But you don't scare people to compensate for you incompetence. Personally though, I don't like worse case scenarios.... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day

Losers create, loser ideologies to justify their loser nature. Don't be a loser.

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