Matthew Bon: What is going on in Canada? | #3 | Reflections | The World of Momus Podcast In this episode I talk with my good Canadian friend and artist, Matthew Bon, about what is going on in Canada.

Political Games vs Freedom – I choose Freedom

Here is the thing, when the political right is in power they care more about the systems than people or their civil liberties, when the political left are in power they do the same. This is why I dislike both because they don't inherently care about the people but their power. The real power is... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day – Bob Marley

Better to die fighting for freedom then be a prisoner all the days of your life. Bob Marley

Thought of the day – Zoos

I have uneasy feeling about Zoos. I love animals so I enjoy going there but I also feel incredibly sad being there seeing the animals locked up in cages. It is not natural. With sanctuaries I get it. But Zoos are just caging animals for us to look at and I don't like it. Safari... Continue Reading →

Political meme

My first attempt at making a meme, yeah I am not that good at making it but I think you all get the gist. I am squarely behind all Canadians demanding their freedom but they also need to ask questions of their current government being heavily influenced by WEF.

Freedom above all – thought of the day

Any ideology that infringes upon your basic freedoms, regardless of whichever narrative it uses, does not have your wellbeing at its core.

I see you, cowards !

I don't hold back, I say it as I see it. Those who don't like it can leave. I don't wish to have the patronage of cowards. I am ashamed and disgusted to see, the intellectual cowardice from academia and the artists these days. Those who willingly comply and those who stay silent. We are... Continue Reading →

Workers of the World

Workers of the world are uniting, amid the tears and desperations of the elites disguised as socialists, These false prophets can no longer hold the voice of the people, And it is glorious to behold, Louder and Louder let your roar fill the world, My brothers and sisters you are the brick upon which this... Continue Reading →

Freedom thought

I am off to bed - but remember: Those who sell their freedom for safety, will end up with nothing but slavery.

I see you !

The mass compliance and the willingness to tow the line within the artistic community really irks me. You are only a pretender, who just wants to feel safe. And I doubt you will ever produce anything of any worth. I see you, the question is, do you see yourself?

Obey your masters !

The road to submission started a while back. Fear tactics. It started with legitimate but overhyped causes, like racism & global warming. Then came societal kneeling. After that gender issues & so came pronouns. Then pandemic, so had masks & vaccines. The sheep followed blindly. Never question, never be curious. Follow the science but don't... Continue Reading →

Latin Phrase of the Day

Libertas perfundet omnia luceFreedom will flood all things with light

Latin Phrase of the Day

Libertas perfundet omnia luceFreedom will flood all things with light

Quote of the day – Benjamin Franklin

Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.Benjamin Franklin

Quote of the day – Nelson Mandela

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.Nelson Mandela

For all humans to remain human ……

Dover - looking over the English Channel This nature that exists, in us all, To scupper, suppress, maim, annihilate, each free thought,It is not a nature all too natural,For all humans to be human,And not a pet to a master. Blood was spilled, not too along ago,Across these waters, over to the land, where tyranny... Continue Reading →

Thought of the year

All medical interventions should be voluntary. Including vaccines. Of any kind. This statement needs no further qualifiers.

Daily quote – Ezra Pound

A slave is someone who waits for someone to come and free him.Ezra Pound

Freedom from enslavement

Once one becomes comfortable with others telling them what to do, then they automatically forgo all sensible logic to perpetuate the narrative of their safe enslavement. There has never been a time and there will never be a time where governmental mandates actually work for the purpose that is purported. Today on Remembrance Sunday, we... Continue Reading →

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