Matthew Bon: What is going on in Canada? | #3 | Reflections | The World of Momus Podcast In this episode I talk with my good Canadian friend and artist, Matthew Bon, about what is going on in Canada.

Thought of the day – Tribal Madness

I don't understand some people who show clips of Zelensky while he was an actor and cabaret performer/comedian, to negate his viability as someone to be trusted with money or military funds for his people's fight against an oppressor. Did you expect him to be presidential while he was a performer, also given that he... Continue Reading →

The hateful empty vessel

How soon you jump, and how willingly you do it, from one point of hatred to another, To feed the emptiness of your life, that is filled of it, yet never fulfilled by it.

Fake War Fallacy Thoughts

So this is the new reason why an actual war where horrific events are happening is a fake war? Because Boris Johnson could go to the capital 😂😂 Do you guys even hear yourself sometimes? Fake war fallacy thoughts 👇So at this point some think that Putin is playing along with Zelenskyy and all NATO... Continue Reading →

Thoughts on learning from mistakes

When someone points out your mistake and you know they are right, the adult thing to do is to take it onboard, self reflect, apologize or admit your mistake if necessary and learn from it. Childish thing to do is to point at another and say well he did it as well. So if a... Continue Reading →

Thoughts of the day – Let personal be personal

Anyone, ANYONE, who wants to put their whole personal life out for the entire world to see, for some attention, is not stable. It is not a normal or healthy thing to do. It doesn't necessarily mean that you are a good or bad person, it just means perhaps you need some help. Professional help.

Stormy thought of the day

Calm the storms inside before you worry about the ones outside.

Obey your masters !

The road to submission started a while back. Fear tactics. It started with legitimate but overhyped causes, like racism & global warming. Then came societal kneeling. After that gender issues & so came pronouns. Then pandemic, so had masks & vaccines. The sheep followed blindly. Never question, never be curious. Follow the science but don't... Continue Reading →

Thought on current affairs

I am not angry at people who disagreed all this time, I am angry at people who demonized others as a result of those disagreements.

Tribal caution – thought of the day

I really don't ever pick absolute sides. I will take sides when it is necessary to do so, but to an extent. It is so easy to be swept away by our tribal urges that we almost always forget the core of any argument. And why is it important not to be tribal? Well, the... Continue Reading →

Personal Reflection Thought

I don't know if I have mentioned this before but my 3 favourite characters from LOTR were Aragorn, Gandalf & Tom Bombadil. I have only understood recently why. It's because I have always aspired to have the righteous courage of Aragorn, the wisdom of Gandalf and the worldly detachment & simplicity of Bombadil. The more... Continue Reading →

Malevolence or Incompetence?

I think there is a definite difference between malevolence and incompetence with what's going on. People do tend to lean towards malevolence, because it denotes an external entity, often too powerful to contend with, incompetence requires self reflection & responsibility. More and more now, I think it incompetence and compartmental incompetence as well. Where someone... Continue Reading →

Thought of the day

Spineless leadership inspires spineless people to exist in spineless society.

Human walls ….

Walls can support our shelter, keep our enemies out and save us from harm. But without a door, they can obstruct us, keep our friends or to be friends out and imprison our minds. Know your walls, when to build them and when to bring them down.

Silently growing grey ….

Silently, growing grey, In a world of black and white, Seeing the craziness of extremes, Choosing not to take sides, Life is not so simple, Being human is complicated, Lets not make it more complicated, By defining conclusions to conversations, we never had.

One of the many updates …..

So, all the videos of The World of Momus Podcast that were supposed to be on YouTube are now on Rumble, and the embedded Rumble videos are on this website. Soon I will be shutting down the YouTube Channel, because frankly it is an unnecessary headache. I need to get back to my writing, and... Continue Reading →

Quote of the day – J.R.R. Tolkien

If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.J.R.R. Tolkien

Blog Post #11 – Cider with a side of cider

I hope you all are having a good evening. I didn't use to be a fan of cider much before, but for some reason it has grown on me. Did you know that British Celts been making cider as long back as 5000 years? Maybe I will do an episode on it, on The World... Continue Reading →

To be ….

I am filled with the rage of a million berserkers, And filled with the love of a million hearts, I call it as I see it, and I act against wrong, I am you, and you are me, And together we are nothing if not passionate - to be.

Learning from our mistakes

The distance is long but the walk is short if we dare to take the steps we must take. The world has forever been in disarray all tends to fall in place as we start learning from our mistakes.

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