The New Britain: Paying for our own Destruction

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In Britain currently we are paying more, and getting less back from the system. Actually not even less, but negative. Nothing works, yet we keep paying for it:

  • Our public transport is highly expensive and is unreliable.
  • We pay a lot for NHS yet are unable to get timely appointments when needed.
  • We pay towards good policing yet people who don’t mean us well get away with crimes while we get in trouble for tweeting or praying silently in our heads.
  • We pay towards having a legal justice system but we get from it is miscarriages of justice and a system that is determined to frustrate the will of the people over a globalised agenda.
  • We pay towards our politicians but all we get in return are liars and cheat, you serve another master.
  • We pay towards our monarchy or rather let them retain their purse but it remains indifferent to the needs of the public. Consistently. That is not being impartial – that is just being indifferent.
  • We pay towards the national broadcaster and all it does in return is discredit our feelings and frustrations, and drill out globalist propaganda.
  • We pay towards our local councils, while they try to evict our old for housing migrants, buy up other places from our money for these migrants, pay excessively for external consultants for the jobs they already have designated teams and staff inhouse and on and on and on. From our money. Yet nothing is fixed for the people and the migrants add no value, actually negative value to society and culture.
  • We pay towards our armed forces while they indulge in woke nonsense and can’t even keep our borders safe.
  • We pay towards welfare only it to be abused by so-called refugees and asylum seekers, and homegrown bums who want to abuse the systems and not work while our retirement age keeps rising and the working young are unable to get on the property market.
  • We pay towards our schools and universities, and all we seem to get is production of human bots, fodders for some depraved woke marxist agenda.
  • We pay for our church and all the church does is keep approving sin and corruption. There is no God in that church.

I am go on and on. The list is endless. Yet we keep paying. These frustrations keep getting ignored. I am growing tired of it and I am sure so are many of the people in this country. They divide us, on all grounds they can find. Political and social. They divide us so that we are never united in our frustrations. Because once we are united, their days are numbered. It is time for all of us to stop being politically right or politically left, and instead start becoming politically British.

Give up your notions of old ways to organise societies. Drop these labels of isms. We have to find a new way, that works for us. Regardless of what the outside world thinks. The outside world has no relevance to our world. We need to drop this infighting and inhouse tribal nonsense. We are facing an existential crises, and we need to face some realities. Hence why, this woke nonsense, needs to be kicked out straight away. We have enemies within and without. We need to buck up our ideas and come together to defeat them all.

Otherwise, flee. Run for the hills. Because there is no one coming to save us.

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